Active Listening. 

When you are listening at your best, you are like …what?

Not a trick question, but a question that unless you are working with a Coach (a good one 😆🤩) you probably haven’t been asked…

SO, now you have been asked this question, take some time to consider it, and provide yourself with an honest answer.

Good listening skills are so important, but for a lot of us, in a time when multi-tasking is lauded as a skill (something I have a LOT of thoughts about!), and where our phones are pinging constantly, it’s easy to slip into listening half-heartedly.

When you do this, you lose such a lot.

I’d challenge you to really think about my question, and then when you have your answer, be like it whenever you are listening to someone – you’ll reap rewards. 

If you’d like to learn more about how to listen drop me a message.  I’d love to help.