The power of safe space conversations

Whatever size of team you are managing, creating an environment where safe space conversations become the norm will pay you dividends and support driving ownership and accountability through your business.

A safe space conversation is one where your employee feels secure in being honest and open, with no fear of blow-back. The conversation can be initiated by you but should be owned by your employee. It is their space to bring to you anything they need to talk through, and a chance for you to actively listen to what they are saying, and also notice what they are not.

What this does is offer you the chance to respond equally openly, set or reset expectations, but most importantly, create a position of trust between you and your team member. Trust is the key driver in moving towards a team where ownership and accountability is the currency.

Repetition is key – a one off safe space conversation won’t do much, but regular conversations will.

If you, or members of your team, could benefit from some support in creating an environment where safe space conversations are part of your managerial toolkit, please get in touch.